Let us celebrate the 240 years God has already blessed this nation with our humble prayers of thanksgiving. His faithfulness has provided us with His direction, protection and correction, even when we have been too proud to ask for it.
Be proud to be an American, but never be too proud to pray. Prayer keeps Christian citizens in dependence upon God, not independent of His companionship.
Prayerlessness is an independent streak that feeds pride and starves the soul. Prayerfulness is the healthy diet of humble people. Humble prayer declares your dependence upon God, and starves your pride and feeds your soul.
Our founders understood that self-government, on a very personal level, was the keystone to civil government. Without the essential expression of personal virtue, they feared freedom would deteriorate into license.
Christian citizens are not perfect people. Their virtue is not of their own making. Like their inalienable rights, they know any expression of personal virtue comes from God. Even the best know their capacity for becoming their own worst enemy.
Virtue flows best from humble Christian citizens who regularly admit they have nothing to offer, apart from God. Their virtue is rooted in the knowledge that they are ransomed and redeemed rebels who have lowered their flag of rebellion to God, surrendered their lives to Jesus, and remain occupied by His Spirit, until He returns.
"So then, this is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." ~ Jesus (Matthew 6: 9-10)
NOTE TO SELF: Saying a pledge of allegiance to your nation calls for "one nation under God." Praying a prayer of personal dependence, brings your nation under God, one person at a time. Lead the way. Say your nation's pledge, but pray for your nation. She needs your prayers and you need the practice.