The Hand-prints

"He who mocks the poor taunts His Maker, he who rejoices at a calamity will not go unpunished." Proverbs 17:5

Prayer reveals grinding poverty & hurting people to you. Prayer softens your heart to meet their needs, not to feed your greed. Prayer releases the Spirit in you to pour out Christ's character through you.

NOTE TO SELF: God made you to look like Jesus, and to come into His Presence in the name of Jesus. Lift people up. Don't put them down. When you do, you honor your Maker. When you rejoice at the calamity of others you invite The Father"s correction.

The Father's hand-prints are all over His children. They are not self-made, but selfless.

"As He is, so are we in this world."
I John 4:17

Prayer is not a selfish tool for greedy children to get what they like. It is the way The Father reveals His likeness in His children.