The Blind

"A spirit of confusion has settled over the land, and blinded the people of this nation. This is a spiritual condition that can only be removed by the healing hand of God.

Spiritual Awakening, both personal and corporate, restores sight to the blind. It begins in the lives of God's people to transform them into guides, not to feed their pride.

Yelling at people who have lost their sight and their minds does not give them a clearer picture of God's love. Blind people need a guide, and God has assigned His people the role of guiding them to Him.

The longer the church postpones praying for blind people to see The Light, the farther this nation drifts from the one thing it needs the most, Spiritual Awakening.

"Prayer is how we set our sails to catch the wind of Heaven."
G. Campbell Morgan.

NOTE TO SELF: Your prayer of desperation is not a curse. It is a gift from God, preparing you to receive His mercy, and to share it with others. The more desperate you are to repent from your own blindness, the closer you get to seeing Spiritual Awakening. When you become desperate, don't become despondent. The Father inclines His ear to hear the cries of His children.