“Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 124:8
After winning the Iowa caucus a Presidential candidate began his victory speech with, “To God be the glory.” It was a heartfelt expression of gratitude, and a welcome relief from the barrage of braggadocio and bravado that usually accompanies a win or a spin in the political arena. This was no spiking of the ball in the end zone. It was a bowing of his head before Almighty God. How refreshing.
This same candidate went on to remark in his speech that the rights of the individuals in this nation do not come from the Democratic, Republican or Tea Party, but are the gifts of The Creator. It was a reference to one of the earliest founding documents of this nation.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Declaration of Independence July 1776
The Honorable Bob McEwen, former six-term Congressman from Ohio, offers a colorful definition of these self-evident truths. He says, “This is a gracious Jeffersonian way of saying, ‘Any fool ought to understand this.’ “ Thanks for clearing the air, Bob.
The Psalmist encouraged people to worship The Creator, not as a force of nature or a benign, benevolent concept. He recognized The LORD as an active participant in the lives of His children, coming to their aid in the face of enemies who sought to do them harm.
“’Had it not been the LORD who was on our side,’ Let all Israel now say, ‘Had it not been the LORD who was on our side when men rose against us, then they would have swallowed us alive, when their anger was kindled against us.” Psalms 124:2
During the Civil War Abraham Lincoln was often asked if he thought God was on his side. His response was to remind people he wanted to make sure that he was on God’s side. Good answer.
Violent, angry opposition has the power to overwhelm the strongest believer. The Psalmist describes this as a man-made flood with the capacity to sweep over one’s soul and to swallow up one’s faith in God.
“When their anger was kindled against us; then the waters would have engulfed us, the stream would have swept over our soul; then the raging waters would have swept over our soul.” Vs. 3b-5
The Psalmist’s heart-felt joy at having survived these verbal attacks from vicious people could not be contained. He shouted with unbridled praise for all to hear.
“Blessed be the LORD, who has not given us to be torn by their teeth.” V. 6
Survival led to revival when the Psalmist realized not only had he escaped from the snare of the trapper, but the trap was destroyed. He didn’t take the credit for the victory. He gave all the glory to God. When leaders do this, people follow their lead.
NOTE TO SELF: The Psalmist got it right. Bad things do happen to good people. Never forget it! God takes sides to make things right. Prayer gives God the elbowroom for Him to do it in your life, and your nation. Praise honors Him when He does it. Do both. When He does it for you, don’t steal the credit. Give Him the glory. Prayer kills your desire to spike the ball in the end zone, and bows your head before your Creator.