40 Days with the Risen Christ: Day 5

“Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
John 20:21

In John’s eyewitness account, Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples huddled in the Upper Room. He complements Luke’s documentation of the same event, by providing additional insight into the mission of The Risen Christ.

At the same time Jesus revealed the power of His resurrection, He also gave His disciples a new sense of direction. He offered them peace and purpose. He still does.
When the disciples saw Jesus standing in their midst, the power of His resurrection raised more fear than faith. Jesus not only met them at the point of their need, but He pointed them to His purpose.

“As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

Receiving peace in their hearts was not His purpose for their lives. The Risen Christ had a much greater mission in store for them. The once fearful, now peaceful disciples had witnessed the power of His resurrection in the Upper Room. They would experience the power of His resurrection on another level, only when they left the room.

The contemporary church puts a great deal of emphasis upon gathering people together to find peace in their hearts. Offering peace without purpose may lead to a calm heart, but it robs a person of the great adventure of a burning heart. Don’t settle for anything less.

The first words out of the mouth of The Risen Christ carried the impact of a double-edged sword. Jesus calmed His disciples with peace, but He commissioned them with His purpose. Without embracing both His peace and His purpose the mission of the church always deteriorate into less than Jesus had in mind. Jesus called His followers to penetrate the culture like a mobile M.A.S.H. unit, not to self-medicate themselves with a false sense of serenity.

The contemporary church would be wise to put “Peace be with you,” on the welcome mats of the front porch, but have all the exits marked with, “You are now entering the mission field.” His Peace and His purpose are the vital signs of a healthy church and the balanced life of a true disciple.

“Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” Charles (C.T.) Studd, British missionary to China & The Congo 1860-1931

NOTE TO SELF: Peace is not found by escaping your crisis of faith. It is found by seeking the power of the resurrection in the midst of the battle. Answered prayer often begins with your first gasp of fear. Don’t be surprised when The Champion answers your prayer by calling you to join Him in His shout of victory, not by giving you a sigh of relief. Be calm, but be on mission. Praying in His Presence brings you His peace and points you to His purpose.