40 Days with the Risen Christ: Day 12

"Cast your net on the right side of the boat."

Translations differ on the exact wording of the advice Jesus gave to the weary fishermen. Facing the dawn of a new day, they had to admit to Jesus what He knew to be true about them. Their all night efforts had left them with nothing but an empty boat.

On the Sea of Galilee, fishermen did not make a living, by going through the motions. They proved who they were, not by what they did, but by what the caught.

Jesus told the men to cast their nets on the right side of the boat or as some say, the right hand side of the boat. Whatever they heard Him say, they got His message and did what He said. They stopped what they were doing, and started doing what Jesus told them to do. Wise men still do.

NOTE TO SELF: When the horse is dead, dismount & turn the reins over to Jesus. He specializes in breathing new life into what you have ridden into the ground, by your own effort. Prayer loosens your grip on your will, and opens your hands to receive God's will.