“And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained.’ “
John 20:22-23
For forty days The Risen Christ rounded up His scattered followers and taught them about the kingdom of God. On this first evening, Jesus breathed upon them. Introducing His Presence, Jesus prepared them to receive His power for His mission.
Nothing reveals the power of the resurrection like forgiveness. The first breath from the lips of The Risen Christ was His challenge to His disciples to receive His Spirit. Without the Presence of His Spirit, they would never have His power to forgive.
There are many signs of the fullness of The Spirit, but the one convincing and undeniable proof of His Presence is the power to forgive. Jesus called His disciples to receive His Spirit with open hearts and open hands. To embrace His forgiving Spirit into their hearts, they would have to release a white-knuckled grip on their unforgiving spirit.
Forgiveness is the breath of Heaven. Jesus breathed into His disciples what He intended to release through them on earth, the power to forgive.
The kingdom of God is filled with the air of forgiveness. Those who breathe the same air as their Savior will let go of anything in their lives that chokes out their capacity to forgive. Getting a grip on forgiveness requires letting go of a grudge and embracing The Spirit.
NOTE TO SELF: The power of the resurrection is found in maintaining an intimate fellowship with the Presence of Jesus. The purpose of your life is found in carrying out His mission. Balance your life. Receive the Presence of Christ’s Spirit, and receive Christ’s power for His mission. The power of the resurrection is released in you when you die to self. When you live to forgive, you live for Him. When you live to get even, you live for yourself. When you are breathless to get even, take a breath, and forgive.
Nothing expands God’s kingdom on earth like a fresh breath of forgiveness. Prayer is the breath of Heaven. Prayer breathes out the surrender of your will, and breathes in His Father’s will. Prayer crucifies your unforgiving spirit, and resurrects the forgiveness of His Spirit. The power of the resurrection is a breath away. Let your next prayer release His breath of forgiveness in you, and pass it on to others.