Gary and Dana believe the hope of the world is the local church, and the strength of the church is sustained by praying people. They believe no program in the world can substitute for equipping people to have a passion for prayer.
This kind of believing prayer can be developed and nurtured in the personal lives of the members and their families. Since 1977, the Millers have invested their lives in the pastoral ministry of churches in Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and Georgia
They have taught extensively on the role of prayer in spiritual awakening, counseled people to build strong marriages by equipping husbands and wives to pray together and have ministered internationally in Hong Kong, Japan, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia and Switzerland.
Through their TALK LESS! PRAY MORE! Prayer Conferences, Gary and Dana lead people to accept the challenge to:
* Make prayer their personal passion and priority
* Partner with someone who will hold them accountable
* Equip Husbands and wives to affair-proof and divorce-proof their marriage
* Share how Dana’s 4 year successful battle with breast cancer has radically changed their lives to encourage and empower those who are battling the same disease.
Dana refers to her battle with breast cancer as her “Great Adventure” and it has intensified her passion to point people to prayer as priority in their lives. Both Gary and Dana long to invest in the lives of others through this “Great Adventure” - and teach others how to overcome the fear of the enemy!
Gary and Dana live in Fort Worth, Texas and have been married for 40 years. They are parents of two grown daughters, Ashley (married to Brent Warren) and Allyson.
The Legacy
“Prayer is the priority, and the greatest treasure of the church. An Awakening, a great movement of God is available for the asking in our life time, and even in the next moment.”
— Don Miller
(March 9, 1922 - April 22, 2015)
After serving as pastor and church planter for Southern Baptist churches in Texas and in New York, God called Gary's parents, Don and Libby Miller, to launch a prayer ministry in 1977. For over 34 years of their marriage, they traveled around the world challenging people to get alone with God and pray. Their ministry has taken them to every continent of the world, and most of these United States.
They personally led prayer conferences in over 1,000 churches, and their teachings on prayer have been expanded to countless other venues by video, DVD and now downloadable formats. They made the transition from overhead projector to PowerPoint in their late eighties and to Don's final days, taught others to and demonstrated with their whole lives what it means to Talk Less and Pray More.
Beautiful Baptist Press article on Don MIller & Bible Based Prayer
"Prayer is the intimate communication between the Heavenly Father and His child."
--Don Miller