What Others Are Saying About TLPM:

I have known Gary and Dana Miller for almost forty years. I know of no others who care more about teaching people to pray and build an intercessory prayer ministry than the Millers. I wholeheartedly recommend TALK LESS! PRAY MORE! to you and your church. I've seen Gary and Dana walk through the dark valley of cancer and the trials of ministry. They have a heart for God, for His church, for revival, and for pastors. They long to see God's people restore the priority of the 'house of prayer.’

If you need someone to fill the pulpit, preach on prayer, train your prayer leaders, or lead your church in a prayer seminar, I can't think of anyone better than Gary and Dana. They are the finest team I know in training others to pray.

Michael Catt
Senior Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga.


“Having Gary and Dana come and lead the prayer conference was such a blessing to our church. The teaching combined with the times of prayer ensured we were doers of the Word, not hearers only. The session on praying for your children was especially blessed. I would encourage any pastor who desires to lead his church to pray to have Gary Miller come and lead a prayer conference.”

Don Andrews
Pastor, The Haven Church in Kansas City, KS


“TALK LESS! PRAY MORE! was a fabulous blessing to our church. Their transparency and authenticity challenged us to go to the next level in walking with Christ. We laughed, we cried and we can't wait for them to come back.”

Dr. Curt Dodd, 
Senior Pastor, Westside Church in Omaha, Nebraska


A while back, God began to burden our church leaders and me about the absolute necessity of prayer. Prayer not as a church program, but prayer as a recognition of our utter helplessness. Prayer for God's grace in every area of our life. And we wanted our church to feel the same burden. 

So we asked Gary and Dana to come and lead us in a weekend prayer conference. I knew that Gary and Dana's prayer life and ministry were cultivated in the soil of sound biblical teaching and forged in the fire of very difficult life circumstances. The sincerity of their teaching connected well with so many people, that it sparked many a family to start having family prayer times led by the dads. Our BodyLife home groups have become sweet times of crying out to the Lord. We see lives changing and the focus of prayers having more of an eternal perspective.
I thank our Lord for using Gary and Dana to bless us!

Lakan Mariano
Pastor, College Hills Baptist Church in San Angelo, Texas


“We were blessed to have Gary and Dana with us for a "Talk Less, Pray More" Conference. I so appreciated the hard work that they did in preparation for each of the sessions--they are both very biblically sound and gospel-centered in their approach. Every bit as much as their preparation, though, I sensed a heart in them to see God do a deep work in our church. Their passion became my passion and I feel that God left an indelible mark on our fellowship through the Millers being with us. Theirs is a message that needs to be heard in churches everywhere.”

Steve Miller
Senior Pastor, Reidsville Baptist Church in Reidsville, GA


“Through the Talk Less, Pray More conference, Dr. Miller reveals the importance of our prayer life and explains why our walk with God is the next 20 seconds...Using a dynamic combination of stories, illustrations, humor, and love, Dr. Gary Miller leads couples through conference sessions with dramatic results. Dr. Miller shares the purpose of prayer and the power of praying partners with couples. Dr. Miller is energetic, approachable, and entertaining as he shares the Gospel...Conference attendees are encouraged to change their lives using four important words: Talk Less, Pray More!”

Jeff Daniels
Lay Leader, Greenwood Baptist Church in Weatherford, Texas
