The Heart

“I have sent him back to you in person, that is, sending my very heart, whom I wished to keep with me, so that on your behalf he might minister to me in my imprisonment for the gospel; but without your consent I did not want to do anything, so that your goodness would not be, in effect, by compulsion but of your own free will.” Philemon 1:12-14

“Sending my very heart” indicates that Paul transplanted his heart for prayer into leading others to do what was right. When church leaders want to get their way, they are tempted to bring the heat to remove the obstacle in their path. They would do better to turn down the heat and send their heart.

When Paul expressed his desire to get what he needed from a friend, he gave his heart to his friend. Bringing the heat by exerting personal pressure and exercising the art of gentle persuasion may bring a good idea into reality, but it often misses God’s idea in the long run.

Paul set the example of a man who didn’t need to lead with his need to get what he wanted. His life was marked, by giving his heart away, not by getting his way. He didn’t lead by compulsion, but by intercession.

Compulsion operates on “My Will.” Intercession has a heart for “Thy Will.” The process of intercession conforms “My Will” to "Thy Will.”

Prayer is an investment of one’s time and one’s heart into a heart transplant into the life of another person. The Spirit’s surgery in another person's life cannot be rushed, but it can be ushered in by intercession. God's call to intercession is done in The Waiting Room. When you push your way into the Operating Room, you contaminate the process with your impatience. Don't jar the scalpel from the Spirit's hands. Give Him the elbow room to do what He does best.

Paul refused to rationalize his legitimate needs, but he refused to use his needs as leverage over his friend to get what he wanted. He was aged, imprisoned, and in need of comfort. Onesimus offered relief, but Paul saw a danger in a sense of entitlement.

If the service given to Paul by Onesiumus appeared to be theft in the eyes of Philiemon, it could have caused a breech between two brothers. It might have disrupted the fellowship of a local church.

An escaped slave was no small matter. The escape of Onesimus constituted a loss of face for Philemon in the community. It was a substantial financial loss, as well.

Rather than command Philemon to get on board with what God had done in the heart of Onesismus, Paul prayed for the master to have a change of heart towards his escaped slave and to receive him, as his new brother in Christ.

Praying begins by yielding one’s will to The Father’s will. This is how Jesus prayed. After hearing Jesus pray, His disciples said, “Teach us to pray.” Jesus began with two words, “Our Father.”

All believing prayer begins by a child of God placing compete trust in a loving Father to do what is right for them. Prayer is not about the child getting what he wants. Prayer is all about the child getting on board with The Father’s will.

Jesus modeled the purpose of prayer. He prayed until His will was conformed to His Father’s will. When Jesus prayed, He gave His heart away to God, and received The Father’s heart as His own.

The heart of prayer is the matter of the heart. Jesus prayed, “Not My will, but Thy will be done.” The purpose of prayer is for the Father to implant His heart into His children. Prayerless children are heartless indeed.

To know The Father’s will is one thing. To receive The Father’s will is quite another thing. Praying softens the heart and opens the hands of the prayer warrior to receive The Father’s will.

Intercession is the process by which a prayer warrior calls on The Spirit of Christ to develop the mind of Christ in the heart of another person. Paul prayed for Philemon, not because Paul needed a devotional exercise, but because Philemon needed a heart transplant only The Father could give.

Leaders without followers are not marching at the head of an army. They are only taking a walk by themselves. Shouting out orders to people who have no heart to follow will never launch a movement of God. Praying for potential followers to receive a new heart for The Father prepares the church to receive the next Great Awakening. Unless hearts are prepared to receive the change The Father is capable of bringing into a person’s life, new believers will be stiff armed in the parking lot, before they ever get to the pews. Prayer prepares the heart and improves the vision of the local church to have new hearts and open arms.

My wife and I assist our local church by serving on the front lines. I put out the Welcome Mat in the parking lot, meeting and greeting people as they arrive. She serves at the Welcome Desk in the entrance of the church, seating guests in the Worship Center.

Most churches would be well served to give some fresh attention to the way they greet, meet and seat guests. Like fresh paint, hospitality covers a great deal of sin. .

Philemon was being asked by Paul to see the change The Father had made in Onesimus. He was no longer a slave, but a saint. He was Paul’s child in the faith, and Philemon’s brother in Christ.

Paul interceded for Philemon to have a change of heart towards a man that had wronged him. Prayer softens a hurting heart to receive healing, and prayer gives courage to risk being hurt again.

A great deal was at stake in the life of Onesimus and the local church. The Father is grieved when His children do not value what He has done in giving a person new life in Christ and adopting them into His family.

Onesimus was a real slave, but he serves as a poster child for what happens when The Father unleashes a Great Awakening. When broken people get cleaned up with The Father, life can get real messy with His children, all at the same time.

A hard heart can lead to a stiff arm. A softened heart leads to open arms. This only happens when The Father’s children pray for one another to love one another, to forgive one another, and welcome one another with open arms.

When they pray for one another God's children send each other their hearts and The Father gives them His heart.


The Wandering

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." Psalms 23

David's sense of direction made him a great leader. He often wandered from God's path, but he never lost his road map back home.

David was often in danger, but seldom in doubt of God's call on his life. When David's love for his God was in the driver's seat of his life he always returned to The One who called him.

Note to self: Don't let the intimidation of immediate circumstances and intense hatred of evil people crowd out your intimate time with God. In the battle against evil, Jesus is by your side. Move closer to Him when you have wandered away.

When David wandered, he blazed a trail back home with personal prayer & private praise to God. Follow his lead.


The Companion

God thrust David into the arena. He was not a man with a plan, but had a heart for God. He spent time with God when no one was looking.

As shepherd boy David enjoyed the companionship God offered to him. As king he discovered a world of users & abusers who wanted what he could do for them.

Knowing God's will for his life came out of consistent companionship with the One who knew him intimately before anyone else knew his name.


Happy Independence Day!

Let us celebrate the 240 years God has already blessed this nation with our humble prayers of thanksgiving. His faithfulness has provided us with His direction, protection and correction, even when we have been too proud to ask for it.

Be proud to be an American, but never be too proud to pray. Prayer keeps Christian citizens in dependence upon God, not independent of His companionship.

Prayerlessness is an independent streak that feeds pride and starves the soul. Prayerfulness is the healthy diet of humble people. Humble prayer declares your dependence upon God, and starves your pride and feeds your soul.

Our founders understood that self-government, on a very personal level, was the keystone to civil government. Without the essential expression of personal virtue, they feared freedom would deteriorate into license.

Christian citizens are not perfect people. Their virtue is not of their own making. Like their inalienable rights, they know any expression of personal virtue comes from God. Even the best know their capacity for becoming their own worst enemy.

Virtue flows best from humble Christian citizens who regularly admit they have nothing to offer, apart from God. Their virtue is rooted in the knowledge that they are ransomed and redeemed rebels who have lowered their flag of rebellion to God, surrendered their lives to Jesus, and remain occupied by His Spirit, until He returns.

"So then, this is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." ~ Jesus (Matthew 6: 9-10)

NOTE TO SELF: Saying a pledge of allegiance to your nation calls for "one nation under God." Praying a prayer of personal dependence, brings your nation under God, one person at a time. Lead the way. Say your nation's pledge, but pray for your nation. She needs your prayers and you need the practice.


Tactics and Anti-tactics

"And all of you, clothe yourself with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE." 1 Peter 5:5

One of the more disturbing fairy tales is the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes." A ruler is duped into believing he is wearing fine clothing, when in reality he is walking around in his birthday suit. Talk about a fashion faux pas.

When it comes to Christian clothing, Peter reminded the early believers they should wrap themselves in humility. Anything less is indecent exposure.

Wear your skinny jeans or your traditional suit and tie, but don't step out into public without humility. It is the mark of a well-dressed Christian.

God's grace is given to His humble children, but He is opposed to the proud. Opposed is a military term describing a swift and relentless response to the tactics of an enemy. When pride leads you to take certain tactics that may meet your standards, but do not meet God's standards, expect His ant-tactics.

People think life is a game of checkers designed to let them shout, "Crown me!" They are wrong. The game is chess. When pride puts you on the wrong side of the chess board, get on God's side. If you find yourself trapped by your own tactics, it is probably your move. You are better off being a pawn in His hands, than calling every move in your own life.

Pride may be the easiest thing to see in another person's life, but it is the most difficult to see in one's own. It sometimes hides under a cloak of presumed piety, lording it over those who don't measure up to man-made standards.

Prayer and humility are best friends. Prayer improves your vision. It takes you out of the after glow of your own spotlight, and places you in a dark closet to allow The Spirit of God to expose what is going on in your life. Pride posing as piety will not allow you to see what God knows about you.

"If we learned humility it might spare us humiliation." Vance Havner

Growing up in Dallas, Texas, I attended O. M. Robert's Elementary School. One of the rights of passage in this school was the regular "Ringworm Test." Students would be lined up in the hallway, to wait their turn to be taken into a dark closet by the school nurse. She would turn on a "black light" and scan each child's head. If ringworms were discovered, the child was yanked out of line, medicated and forced to wear a clear, women's nylon stocking cap, until all the ringworms were eradicated. It was horrible watching this happen to someone. It also made you go home and wash your hair without being reminded by your Mom.

What you hide in the dark from everyone else, God will oppose and expose in public. Prayer cleanses the heart of pride. The humble go to the closet before they are yanked into it.

Peter urged the elders of the early church to be clothed in humility and show humility to one another. At the very least this means that the leaders of the flock should not be so quick to disrobe one another in public. It sets a bad example for the flock.

When I hosted Life Action Ministry in our church, one of the statements that was shared regularly by the team leaders was, "What the leader does in moderation, the people will do in excess." It was a call to be mindful that people are watching and listening to what leaders do and say. What's a leader to do?

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." v. 6-7

NOTE TO SELF: Prayer reveals your humility to place yourself under the mighty hand of God, and to leave the heavy lifting to Him. Anxiety over your future is a human reaction. Prayer is a humble response. Don't excuse your anxiety or embrace it. Cast it away.


Rejection and Election

NOTE TO SELF: Over the next 130 days pray your way through the election season. Don't turn it into a rejection season. Privately seek God's exposure of your own sin with the same passion you publicly expose another person's sin. Show some humility. Looking down on someone else rarely gives you a better view of God. Focusing on another person's character flaws does not improve your own. Pray for an exposure of "any hurtful way" that postpones a personal and a national Awakening. It begins with you. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!

Passion expended to reject, rather than elect candidates for office is an expression of liberty, but it sometimes misses the point. Resist focusing more on a rejection than the election. Rejection punishes many qualified people running for office. Find them and encourage them.

In a republic, the people rule, not the state. "We the people" do not always agree with one another, but it wouldn't kill us to be agreeable with one another. Without establishing basic civility there is no hope for an improved civil government.

Freedom of speech remains one of the vital signs of liberty. Nothing but hot rhetoric only produces a scorched earth that can take your breath away. Don't settle for terminal halitosis. Say a good word about a candidate who can make a difference. They could use your support.

Soul conscience is not a right provided by or tolerated by the state. It is a precious gift from God. Those who love religious liberty should protect it with all their might. Say your piece, but don't forget there is a blessing in being a peacemaker.

Having a clear conscience is rarely produced by smearing another person, or exposing another person's shortcomings in public. It comes from confessing your own sins in private. We the people need to take a deep breath, and take a long walk with God.

Soul conscience is the very heartbeat of religious liberty, and as such it is not limited to the four walls of the church, or the sacred confines of the heart. There is no liberty without the freedom to fully express one's faith everywhere and anywhere.

Those in the media who wish to limit religious liberty would be the first to cry foul, if freedom of the press was suppressed. No newspaper publisher would tolerate being told he can believe and print anything he wants, as long as he only distributed his paper within the confines of his building. Any such limitation by the state would bring a cry of censorship from the media.

Never trust someone who limits liberty and calls it tolerance. Never be bullied into silence by those who think your opinion is not politically correct or Biblically accurate. Your position may be right. Your beliefs may be wrong, but in a democratic republic, the citizen is free to be a wise man or a fool. Time will tell whose values rule the public square.

Having a clean conscience is a not a fool's errand. It is the evidence of your walk with God. Pray for one. Psalm 139 expresses it this way. Pray with me.

" 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way."

Body Life Alert

Believers are part of the Body of Christ. There is one Body made up of many members, but they do not always speak with one voice.

Over the next 136 days the Body Life of the church will be tested. Someone close to you, or someone who has distanced themselves from you will post something that gets on your last nerve. Count on it!

Baptists are not a silent people, and the rest of the Body of Christ can be very vocal too. Before you let your fingers do your talking with a pithy, sanctified sarcastic post, say a prayer of thanks for the person you are about to torch with your truth taser.

The Body of Christ reflects His character. A fist response should not be your first response. Punching a member of the Body in the mouth for saying something you don't agree with won't improve your argument or win converts to your cause.

After the 2016 Election is over, the Body of Christ will need to get back to loving one another. Why not start today?

Feel free to state your case for what you believe, and campaign for the candidate you support. Just don't use your liberty as a license to vent your spleen. No body wants to see that.

Being at peace with one another does not always require agreeing with one another. It just reflects being in love with one another. Anyone married for five minutes understands this.

The next few months will be a fight. Don't fall out of love with Jesus or with each other. There is more at stake.


Substance and Symbols

Never confuse substantive repentance with symbolic repentance. When Jesus confronted the woman caught in adultery, he didn't
shame her with her past sins. He told her to leave her life of sin. There is a difference.

Recently, my denomination resolved not to wave the Confederate battle flag in the faces of those who are grieved by what it stood for in the past.

It is always a good thing to remove a stumbling block from the path of the good news of Jesus Christ. Still, lowering a flag and loving your neighbor are not one and the same thing.

It remains to be seen if this unbinding resolution will result in the ties that bind, in the local church. I pray it does.

History teaches me, substance is more difficult to produce than symbolism. Does anyone remember the SBC boycott of Disney?

The fact remains. Much of the church growth in my denomination over the last 50 years has been a result of white flight to the suburbs.

Abandoning transitional neighborhoods, in search of greener pastures and fields white unto harvest has been a persistent church growth strategy for years.

Lowering a battle flag from the past, to avoid the appearance of racism in the present, will not symbolize an act of repentance unless churches stop racing to the suburbs. This "race" issue is not changed by lowering a flag, but by turning around.

Lower the old flag of the past, if you must, but plant a new one in the inner city.

Symbolic gestures over past shameful behavior is not repentance. Repentance is marked by a turnaround expressed by a change of mind, a change of heart, and a change of direction.

Pray for a real turnaround in our denomination and our nation. Jesus doesn't shame us with our past. He forgives it, and gives us a new life.


"From now on, sin no more."
Jesus (John 8:11)

The Shame Game

It backfired!

Stuart Varney, an American citizen by choice, born in the UK, observed one important reason for the shocked faces in Britain over the vote to leave the EU. He said their shock is related to their under polling.

Apparently people being polled as they left the voting booth were hesitant to admit how they voted.

The "Remain" campaign had used an aggressive and relentless shame game against those who voiced their desire to see their nation leave the EU. They bullied people who wanted to leave the EU, accusing them of bigotry, and racism. Their attempt to publicly shame voters into silence and submission did not work. It only forced them into the privacy of the voting booth.

Many "Leave" voters left the voting booth in silence, but not in submission. The media elites, the establishment leaders, and financial markets were stunned by the silent stand of people who wanted their nation set free from the EU.

This may be the greatest lesson Americans can learn from this experience. Never let yourself be shamed into silence. Your vote is your voice.

The voting booth is the last secure place to make your voice heard. Pray for wisdom and courage, but register to VOTE and get others out to VOTE! When you vote, you speak up, and you STAND UP. Make your voice heard.

"Silence isn't always golden. Sometimes it is just plain yellow."
Senator Barry Goldwater

The Sit In

A Congressional sit in is happening in Washington DC.

The participants are sitting on a slippery slope. They express concern for the lives of innocent victims, killed by (OMIT) using guns, while showing nothing but calloused, entrenched, relentless unconcern for the lives of the unborn.

This is not a substantive sit in. It is hypocritical grandstanding. They strut sitting down, as long as the cameras are rolling.

An estimated 20 million black babies have been aborted since the legalization of abortion in this nation. If these little ones had been allowed to live, and eventually registered to vote, there would be no need for a sit in. The balance of power in this nation would be decidedly different. Do the math.

These politicians, posing as patriots, won't admit they have devoured their own constituency.

Never take seriously anyone who is willing to destroy their young, while removing your right to protect your own.