"When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom." PR 11:2
Proverbs values humility over pride, warning leaders of the inherent danger of self-glorification. Stealing God's glory begins with self-deception and leads to self-destruction. Humility is not a matter of thinking less of yourself. It involves focusing on God more than on yourself. Don't take my word for it.
"True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis
Pride in a job well-done or a mission accomplished does not move from success to sin until it can no longer express, "To God be the glory." Taking credit for what God does through you will feed your pride, but it will starve your soul.
Doing what you can do in your own strength and giving God the credit for it is not humility. It is hypocrisy. God gets a lot of blame for good ideas and man-made effort posing as His will. There is a huge difference between a good idea and God's idea. The loud and proud will always confuse the two, while shouting down the still, small voice of The Spirit.
The famous are often famished people starving for the approval of others while feeding on their own press-clippings and dining on their own introductions. Humble people are not unfamiliar with the spotlight, but they reflect the light of God's favor back to Him. They live for His honor and glory, not their own. Anything less is dishonor.
Note to Self: Start taking God more seriously, and stop taking yourself too seriously. God's call on your life was not based on your ability, but on your availability. God is always able. You must remain available. Prayer may not improve your ability, but it will increase your availability. When you pray, you give The Father elbow room. He longs to prove to His children what He is able to do through them when they are available to Him. The childish are prayerless and prideful.The child-like are prayerful and humble.