The Burn

"The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests hearts." PR 17:3

Teachers often hear reluctant scholars ask, "Is this going to be on the test?" In other words they are saying,"Why should I bother to remember it if I'm not going to be tested on it."

Dr. William Barclay was once asked, "Isn't that one of your students?" He responded, "No. He only attends my classes."

The truth of the matter is, everything is a test. The Wise will prepare their heads to receive knowledge, no matter how insignificant it may seem. They will also place their hearts in the furnace and prepare to feel the burn.

When Jesus presented the Sermon on The Mount, He pointed to the heart as the proving ground of a believer's authentic faith in God. What is on the inside reveals the true character of a citizen of His Kingdom.

Squeezed oranges provide orange juice. What is on the inside comes out. Pressured Christians reveal the content of their hearts. You don't always get what is on the label. Don't take my word for it. Squeeze one and find out.

Note to Self: Changing churches and t-shirts won't improve your character. Only having the impurities in your heart burned away by drawing closer to the flame of God's holiness will bring out sterling character. Prayer does not coat your heart in asbestos to protect you from sensing God's Presence. Prayer reveals your heart to the fire of His furnace. Through prayer He burns away the dross of your self-centered will until He can see His face reflected in your heart. Feel the burn?