The Concert

“Again, I say to you if two or more of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven.” Matthew 18:19
Some people have an ear for music. Some people think they can sing. Uniting the two may make a joyful noise without producing the sound of music. Let me explain.
During my first pastorate, I observed our new worship leader moving people around in the choir. By the pained expressions on their faces, they were not happy. They were living proof of, “We Shall Not Be Moved.” It was an awkward moment, as he positioned them next to people they had never met, and perhaps didn’t even like. After all, this was a Baptist church.
The worship leader had an unusual ability to hear individual voices even when they were embedded in a larger group. He was concerned with the sound the choir would make, not the feelings of those in the choir. To improve their sound, he was placing people next to someone with a stronger voice, or who possessed the ability to sing on key. He sought to bring the best out of each individual, while improving the corporate sound. The results were amazing.
As the choir kept singing, I could see on their faces a growing confidence, and I could hear a different sound. It was not unison, but it was united. They were not all singing the same note, but they were making harmony. It was no longer a group of soloists. It was a concert of many voices singing together under the leader of one person. Their voices were blending together as they yielded to one another. Trust me, this was a modern miracle and a vast improvement over the sound of fifty cats fighting their way out of a big burlap bag.  
At the National Revival Symposium, hosted by Byron Paulus and Life Action Ministries, I was challenged by the words of Bob Bakke regarding the power of united prayer. He referenced Matthew 18:19 and said,
 “United prayer is important to God. There is an authority and a power of God that is not given to an individual.” Bob Bakke
Spiritual Awakenings have always been marked by concerts of prayer. Prayer may begin in the heart of one man, one woman, or one young person. Before long, God begins to maneuver praying people into positions or relationships and call them to pray together for Spiritual Awakening with greater power than they could ever generate by themselves. Together they encourage one another to believe God for what often seems unbelievable, and to settle for nothing less than revival.
“Nothing less than a culturally transforming revival – a great awakening – is an acceptable goal. It resets the moral virtue of a nation from the inside out, not the top down.” Doug Small
Believing prayer asks God for Spiritual Awakening. God begins an Awakening by saturating your heart with His Presence.  As you linger in His Presence, He resets the climate of moral virtue in your house, the church house, the schoolhouse, the state house, and the White House. The Bible is clear. God hears His children when they pray, and He answers when they ask.
“Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7: 7
The Father does not require a greater sound of prayer to generate a deeper concern for His children’s requests. His desire for a concert of prayer is meant to encourage His children to remain obedient, and to keep asking, seeking and knocking, even when they feel like they might be the only person praying. The Father is not holding out on His children. He is calling them to come together before Him in prayer. He desires for them to experience Spiritual Awakening together.
“How much more, will your Father who is in Heaven give what is good to those who ask Him.” Matthew 7:11
In July of 1995, I ventured into months of preparation for my first marathon. Many mornings I rose before dawn to log the 500 miles I needed to be ready for race day. Dodging skunks, enduring the extreme Texas temperatures, and generally plodding through the dark, I often thought, “I must be the only idiot doing this.” How wrong I was.
When I showed up on race day in Dallas, on a beautiful, sunny morning in December, I was met by thousands of idiots who were determined to run over 26 miles in 19 degree weather.
I sometimes joke and say, “I ran two marathons that day. My first and my last.” But I digress.
Note to Self: It is hard to see in the dark. Remember, the thousands of runners preparing for race day couldn’t see each other in the dark. Apply what you learned from running to praying. The sounds of the enemy can be intimidating, when you try to fight as a single prayer warrior. Don’t give into the temptation to stop asking, seeking and knocking on behalf of the next Great Awakening. Concerts of prayer have a way of turning on the light and reminding you, that you are part of a huge army, and you never fight alone.  Unite your voice with millions of other prayer warriors and raise your prayer to The Father. Run to the battle line, and stand next to The Champion.  Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Settle for nothing less than the next Great Awakening. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!