"Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5
The Attitude of Jesus is a life-changer for a believer and it is a game changer for any church desiring to be marked by...
1. Encouragement
2. Consolation
3. Fellowship
4. Affection
5. Compassion
6. Single-minded
7. Love
8. Unity
9. Purpose
10. Unselfish
11. Humility
12. Deference
Pray one hour each day for an adjustment of your attitude to the way and the will of God. Praying and waiting on God, for nothing less than the character of Christ to be revealed in you and in the life of your church, is much needed today.
Praying five minutes for each of these twelve traits will leave a mark on your life, your family and your church. The Hour will be a daily reminder of The Attitude of Jesus, and it will transform your praying from childish preference to child-like deference.
Pray for...
ENCOURAGEMENT: The infusion of courage into faithful hearts until they beat in synch with the pace, and the pulse and the passion of Jesus that flows from intimate communication with The Father.
CONSOLATION: The capacity to allow God's grace to flow from one life to another to bring healing words, the ministry of presence, and wise counsel to hurting people.
FELLOWSHIP: The bond and esprit de corps that draws people into a body of believers mobilized to move as one unit, for one purpose, and feel the pain of failure, and the joy of victory in the life of every member.
AFFECTION: The feeling and emotion that turns love for God from a mere act of obedience or a form of discipline into a heart-warming relationship with Jesus and those who follow Him.
COMPASSION: The practical application of affection that moves beyond pious platitudes and temporary pity to meet the needs of hurting people.
SINGLE-MINDED:The body of believer to be focused on the mind of Christ Whose only thought and purpose is to do the will of The Father.
LOVE:The unconquerable benevolence and undefeatable goodwill, no longer reserved for the lovely and the loving, to be exhibited abundantly towards undeserving people in irritating circumstances.
UNITY:The synergy of body life that enables the church to coordinate the movements and the giftedness of the greatest member with the slightest member of the body.
PURPOSE:The mission statement of the church to be embraced by every member of the body - "Make Disciples."
UNSELFISH: The maturity to live to give, and the generosity of every believers to be unleashed on the needs of other, and not their own wants and desires.
HUMILITY: The brokenness to know the difference between thinking less of oneself, and thinking of oneself less. Prayerless people are prideful people who cannot say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done." Prayerful people are humble people who yield to God's will, and His way.
DEFERENCE: The resistance to a passion to protect one's own rights and personal preferences, and a willingness to seek God's grace to defer to the rights of another.
The next Great Awakening will be marked by members and churches that have the handprints of The Spirit of God all over them, and The Attitude of Jesus within them. Pray for both. Accept nothing less. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!