"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
"That preacher ain't gonna say nuthin about obey in them vows is he?" I was conducting a wedding rehearsal for my pastor in church in a land far, far away across the Red Sea (River). The anxious bride was quizzing me on he content of the ceremony that was to be conducted the next day by the Senior Pastor. Oh, the joys of being the Associate Pastor. The first three letters of the title should have been my clue. Any given day you were either hauling it or getting kicked in it. This gal was packing a mighty big boot. I admitted to her, I had never attended a wedding performed by the pastor. I told her I was new to the church, and "that preacher" could clear up what he had in store for her when he got back. Then like a moth to a flame, I just had to ask, "What's your beef with the word obey?" She didn't flinch. She told me right in front of the groom. She gave a quick jerk of her head in the direction of the lucky guy, and said, "I don't want nuthin' about me obeyin' him, cuz if he hears me say that I will obey him, then he'll take it to the hilt." He was standin' there behind her grinnin' and noddin' his head. Sorry, I went native for a minute. She went on to say, "I'll marry 'im, but I ain't never gonna obey 'im cuz I don't trust 'im." I closed in prayer with something like, "Bless this mess, and the one they are going to make."
WOW! You can't make this stuff up. You can make up a lie, but you can't make up the truth. This blushing bride was telling me and anyone within the city limits (She had learned to whisper in a saw mill.) that she loved her man, but she just didn't trust him. It really is true that more marriages are made in haste than in Heaven. This was a train wreck wrapped in a veil.
Proverbs describes trust as a complete release of a person's heart into the hands of God. Trusting involves a release of our will to God until there is found a rest in God. Leaning suggests that a weary person can find someone stronger and wiser than they are to help them on life's journey.
The key word is "all." There must be no holding back of the heart - the mind, the will, the emotions. There must be an unwavering dependence on God no matter where the road may lead; peaks and valleys, night and day, cold or hot. Proverbs reminds us that a person who trusts in God will never doubt in the dark what he knew to be true in the Light. They will not descend into despair and decide that God's delay is God's desertion. Trust in one's own understanding must be released to God. Before a person can be filled with God, they must empty themselves of any delusion that they can make it on their own.
There are some great words that have helped me understand this process of releasing my self-centered life into the hands of God.
- "Single-hearted"- marked by sincerity and unity of purpose. This was a word that I selected to define a ministry to single adults in the early 1980's. This was the era of the "Me Generation," "The Urban Cowboy," and "Luv Ya Blue" in the city of Houston. It was the epicenter of the oil boom and a mecca for young singles looking for good jobs and a new life. Everybody was from somewhere else. People had left the small towns of Texas for the bright lights of the city, but were still lost in the dark. We began to focus on telling people about Jesus rather than focusing on our own navels. God used those young people to make a difference in the city and it pleases me to day to hear where they are and what God is up to in their lives. While I was preparing this blog, I received an IM from a man who is missionary in Malawi who came to know Christ during that period of time. He commented on how our focus on Jesus pointed in the right direction for the rest of his life. Like I said, you can't make this stuff up.
- "Whole-hearted" -the highest devotion to a cause or greatest love for a person. This is simple. You will never go to a Hallmark Card Shop and find a section for Half-hearted Lovers. On Valentine's Day, there are no cards for those stupid enough to admit, "Honey, I love you will half-my heart." or "You almost complete me!" If you do find these cards, step away from the rack, turn and run. Remember luvin' ain't always trustin'.
- "Brave-hearted" -the courage to live by one's conviction regardless of the cost. The birth, life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus show how much God can be trusted to look out for our best interests. Too often we get intimidated by immediate circumstances that shift us away from our confidence in God, and we become focused on our self-interest. When we think God is holding out on us, we are prone to wander from the path He has selected for us. That is why it is crucial to acknowledge Him "in all our ways." Good times, bad times, happy or sad times, highs and lows are opportunities to practice His presence or as Lloyd John Ogilvie would say maintain "consistent companionship."
Today I will trust God that He has my best interests at heart. Always has, always will. Tired of it or just tired in it, no matter what, I will lean on Him when I am weary of the journey. I will ask Him for directions when I get lot in he twists and turns of a confusing climb through the fog. God, thank you for believing in me, even when I have doubts about You. In Jesus Name, Amen. It's going to be a great day!