"The fear of the LORD leads to life, so that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil." Proverbs 19:23
Proverbs provides a profound paradox. The fearless are lifeless, and sleepless. The fearful find rest and protection.
Children learn to fear what they hear. That usually means the first word they learn to say is, "NO!" There is a reason for that. Little ones are prone to wander into great danger. For their own good, they must learn to listen and and to obey the voice of a protective parent. Without some kind of consequence for their actions, they just keep repeating the same mistakes. Anyone who does not believe in "original sin" has never dealt with a two year old.
Wayward adults are merely king-sized versions of children who never developed a fear of the word "No." Rebellion does not age well. The longer it is allowed to develop, the more bitter it becomes.
The fear of the LORD refers to a respect and a reverence for God's direction, correction and protection. It is exhibited by an inclination for and an implementation of immediate obedience to the first thing God says to do. It requires no explanation from God, before being obedient to Him. God said it. Just do it. Nuff said.
America is a nation in crisis. It is exhibited by the scourge of abortion, and an epidemic of sleeplessness. There is no fear of God, and it has resulted in a national shame. Since Roe vs. Wade, the number of babies killed in this country matches the total population of 26 states. This callous disregard of God's gift of children indicates a total disrespect for the Giver of Life.
Sleep Aid ads abound, but still there is no rest for the weary. God will not be ignored. It may sound like another paradox, but sleeplessness requires a Great Awakening. There will be no rest until God is obeyed. Til then, expect nights to be short, days to be long, nerves to be on edge, and satisfaction to be a distant mirage.
Prayer invites God's direction, correction and protection. There is little hope of protection, when a nation of rebellious people ignore His direction and correction. In a world filled with fanatics who hate the very mention of the name of Jesus, and the very existence of the nation of Israel, it should come as no surprise that evil reigns.
Evil can only march into territory that has been yielded. When a person lowers the flag of God's authority in their own life, they are invaded by forces of evil who have no fear of a fellow rebel. They fear only God, not man. Where man reigns, evil rules. Where God reigns, evil runs.
You may want to plant a flag over your heart today, UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP. While you are raising the flag, remember, being untouched by evil begins with being in touch with God.