"Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit." PR 25:28
Unbridled words and violent mood swings expose a person to attack from his enemies and reveal a fool to his friends. The spirit of a man cannot be controlled without the power of The Spirit.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church of Galatia, "But the fruit of The Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." Galatians 5:22-23
Paul pointed out to the early church that the key to control was crucifixion. The crucified life is a paradox. Death precedes life. For a man to truly live, he must have a passionate conviction that his flesh must die. From repeated failure to control himself, a man must not just admit his failure. He must die.
The Spirit takes over when dead men recognize they no longer live. They lose control. They yield. They submit. They are buried, and put away. The flesh craves the power and recognition. The Spirit provides the power of the resurrection.
The Spirit-filled man is under the control, jurisdiction, influence, and authority of God. This new power over the life of the dead man is exercised by The Person of The Holy Spirit. The control of The Spirit is not found in a one time filling, or a second blessing. It comes from crucifixion. Paul described it as, "I die daily."
The crucified life begins with a pronouncement, but it continues as a process. The "Dead Man Walking" must come to his own acceptance of God's pronouncement of death placed on his flesh. The process continues as a "Dead Man Talking." When the "Dead Man" tries to talk himself through a crisis, he attempts to resurrect his own flesh and take control of his life.
The Spirit reminds the "Dead Man" of his true condition and shows him his death certificate. The crucified life brings a man to the end of himself, and to the power of God. Praying in the Spirit is the process of yielding control, and it is the only breath a dead man has. Prayer turns death into life.