The Righteous

"The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand." Proverbs 12:7

As a Southern Baptist preschooler, I was enrolled in "Sunbeams." While Mom was occupied with WMU, I was taught to sing the words of a great song. For over half a century, these words have proven to be a solid source of theology for me. Perhaps they will encourage you today.

The Wise Man Built His House

The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise man built his house upon the rock
And the rain came tumbling down

Oh, the rain came down
And the floods came up
The rain came down
And the floods came up
The rain came down
And the floods came up
And the wise man's house stood firm.

There is another verse to the song, about the fate of the foolish man. It was always a hit, with "The Beamers." SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't end well.

The wicked man is a wanderer, always looking for the grass that is greener, on the other side of the fence. This fool soon discovers that the grass is always greener, because it is over a septic tank.

The wise man stands his ground, with the confidence that he has built his life, on the solid rock of God's Word. His stand is not based on whimsy, or wild speculation. He is simply obeying the last Word he received from God. He knows, from experience, the safest place to be is the last place God told him to stand.

"Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." Ephesians 6:13

Paul described a warfare waged with a spiritual foe. All the armor required for this warfare was defensive in nature, save one, the sword. This sword was the Word of God. First Century Christians found that the two-edged power brought comfort to the user, and defeat to the enemy. It still does, for those who stand and wield it, in the 21st Century.

Righteous people are not perfect, just forgiven. They have been declared right, by a Holy God, on the basis of the blood The Lamb, His Son, and our Savior, Jesus. Those, right with God, are the ones who stand next to The Champion, and face the enemy, with confidence, in His victory. Take your stand today.