"For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge & understanding." PROVERBS 2:6
Traveling from Texas to the east coast requires the crossing of many rivers. The Mississippi River is the widest, and most majestic. It flows steadily, from a tiny source in Minnesota to its mouth in New Orleans. What began as hidden, insignificant rivulet that can be crossed over by a child's leap, continues to gain momentum, until its massive expanse requires a huge bridge to cross it. The source requires a diligent search, but the river cannot be hidden. Without the one, there will not be the other.
Only a fool cuts off his only source to wisdom, knowledge & understanding. Yet, people do it every day. The Lord God, Jehovah condescends to provide His people with a personal, private audience. Prayer is the door to His Throne Room, and the name of Jesus is the password to His Presence. The Wise come to God in prayer, and leave wiser still.
Prayerless people choose to stumble along in the dark, refusing to seize the opportunity God offers to shed light on their lives. Ignoring prayer forfeits their capacity to develop insight, and discernment into the ways of God. Without prayer, and the Word of God, it is impossible to comprehend the ways of God or to see the world, from His perspective.
Prayer involves listening to God, and waiting on God. There is some degree of satisfaction in His swift answer to an urgent request, but it is a poor substitute for the joy of His consistent companionship. Little children often rush into a parent's presence, with a breathless request for an answer to an immediate need. When they get the answer they want, they rush out as quickly as they entered.When they don't hear what they want to hear, they stay and whine. Both the parent and the child lose out on these exchanges. Sound familiar?
Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are sorely missing in the lives of God's children. As long as they are sought, from substitute sources, they will remain lost treasures. Prayer taps the well of God's heart, and from His mouth, He pours out living water to His people. Those who seek Him will find Him. Those who listen to Him will be refreshed by Him, and become channels of His wisdom to thirsty people. If you desire the river, you must go to The Source.