"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan." PR 29:2
Back in the day, rabbis considered the three signs of a righteous man to be praying, giving and fasting. Jesus addressed those three character strengths in His Sermon on The Mount. (Matthew 5, 6, 7) He did not say, "If you pray...If you give...If you fast." He said "When you pray, give and fast." He expected it to be done with the right motive. This is true righteousness, doing the right thing for the right reason, pleasing God, not man.
Once upon a time, a great nation was birthed with the guiding principles of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Today "prayerlessness, selfishness, and unbridled appetites" could better describe the core values of the American culture. It has been described by others at, "Get all you can. Can all you get. Sit on the can. Poison the rest."
Jesus launched His Kingdom with a renewal of praying, giving and fasting...for all the right reasons. Prayer brings a person to the end of themselves and to a focus on God. Giving turns a person's covetous eye away from himself and towards the needs of others. Fasting exposes the power of the flesh, and forces one to lean on the Spirit of God for sustenance.
The wicked ruler always appeals to the worst in man. The Hebrew language defines wickedness as hostility toward God. A man who is hostile to God is a wicked man. A wicked man may be a nice guy to those around him. He is just a wicked man to the God above him.
The wicked man encourages those around him to shout, "Yes, we can!" God's Word says, "Apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5) He builds an even larger following, by taking from those who oppose him, and making them pay their "fair share" re to those who support him. God's Word says, "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."( 2 Thessalonians 3:10) He encourages his followers to satisfy their appetites, whatever they may be. Rules are made to be broken. Borders are not recognized. Standards are lowered. The Word of God says, "The fruit of the Spirit is...self-control." (Gal. 5:22-23)
So what? The people of God are called to live in obedience to The Word of God. His Word of Life is His way of life. His Word is His will. Praying, giving and fasting have not been set aside, until there is an earthly leader, sympathy with the Word of God and the Way of God. God has spoken in His Word, and Jesus is The Way. Jesus established a model for His followers to follow. They are to pray, "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven." (Matt. 6:10) Like the Nike commercial says, "Just do it!" The results will follow.