“The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’ So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them.”
Numbers 6:24-27
The LORD gave Moses a blessing to pass on to Aaron and his sons, and they were to pass it on to the sons of Israel. (v.23) The blessing began in the heart of God, and the words define His character. The human language has rarely contained so much truth in so few words.
When a meeting is held in the name of Jesus and for the honor and glory of God, nothing quenches the Spirit like turning the spotlight off of God, and onto the program personalities. Perhaps nothing does this more effectively than the use of prayer as a platform to grab a little face time with the crowd, rather than turn the faces of the people toward the face of God.
I will never forget the time a preacher was called on to give The Invocation at a meeting I attended in Austin, Texas. He took 20 minutes to tell us about his family connection with Davy Crocket. Even for Texans this was a stretch of holy hubris.
When it comes to prayer, the focus is always on the face of God, not your family tree or the fruit of your own labors. Pointing people anywhere else is not prayerful intercession. It is prideful rebellion. Stop it!
The blessing was not a few magic words meant to be spoken over the people of Israel to relieve them from their own responsibility of seeking a personal relationship with God. In the past Moses had revealed the power of God through the use of his staff. The Invocation pointed them to their need for personal intimacy with God. They would find it by seeking His face, not leaning on a staff.
The words reveal The Lord as the primary source for all the people of Israel needed to know about restoring intimacy with Him. When the people found themselves in need of the blessing of God, they could invoke His name and seek His face to restore a right relationship with Him.
Moses spoke to God face to face. The people had seen the countenance of his face reflect the glory of The LORD. God’s heart is full of blessing and favor. The words of blessing He gave to Moses opened the door for the people to experience Him, not just to endure a religion about Him.
God offered to them intimacy with Him they had never known. He offered blessing to them, if they would turn their faces to Him. Sadly, the people of Israel would trade His offer of a face-to-face relationship with Him for a religion about Him. It would be no blessing. It never is.
There is a growing cry rising from the hearts of the people of this nation, calling on God for a Great Awakening. The obvious need for a turnaround has led millions to pray to God for something only He can give. This is a great first step towards the face of God.
These prayers for Awakening are heard, but the answer will be hastened by a clear understanding of what has caused the need for a fresh movement of God. God’s people are experiencing the result of decades of rebellious activity carried out in His name, without an intimacy with His Presence.
Religious Liberty always becomes a victim when genuine, God-focused worship is replaced by self-centered, man-made religion. When those who say they worship God, do not reflect the countenance of God, they lose their passion in the pulpits and the pews, and are soon forced from the public square.
“Nothing would turn the nation back to God so surely and so quickly as a Church that prayed and prevailed. The world will never believe in a religion in which there is no supernatural power. A rationalized faith, a socialized Church, and a moralized gospel may gain applause, but they awaken no conviction and win no converts.” Samuel Chadwick
NOTE TO SELF: Judgment begins at the house of God. Any passion you have for an Awakening did not begin in your heart. Awakening begins in God’s heart. He is seeking you. Turn your face towards Him. He longs to be gracious to you. Don’t wait for a crowd to turnaround. God is calling you. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. The Spirit longs to give you peace. Let Him.