It is GOOD FRIDAY: Pray for the NEXT Great Awakening. The best is yet to come.
As early as the 1720's, isolated signs of a Great Awakening began to emerge in small village churches throughout New England. Never despise the day of small things.
The future Anglican evangelist, George Whitefield, was only a six year old boy in England. The 13 colonies were under the control of an all powerful government, imposing its will on the people of America.
Before The Awakening, Whitefield showed no signs of becoming a powerful preacher. The 13 colonies showed no signs of becoming a great nation. As the saying goes, "BUT GOD."
In 1733, The Presence of God's Spirit swept into and saturated the village of Northampton, MA. Now known as The First Great Awakening, it had been prepared for in prayer, and it was subsequently nurtured under the preaching, of Puritan Pastor Jonathan Edwards.
The Awakening would be fueled by the tireless efforts of itinerant Anglican Evangelist George Whitefield. He was not saved until he was 21 years old, and he did not arrive in America until 1739. Until his death in 1770, Whitefield crossed the Atlantic 13 times by ship. He road on horseback, from Georgia to New England, fanning the flames of Spiritual Awakening.
Local Puritan Pastor Jonathan Edwards and itinerant Anglican Evangelist George Whitefield, different in so many ways, became dear friends and great partners in this powerful movement of God's Spirit. Their synergistic efforts energized pastors of churches throughout the colonies. Lifting up the name of Jesus higher than their own preferred denomination, they saw a great harvest. The remnants of the fruit still remain.
NOTE TO SELF: Your nation is in desperate need of the NEXT Great Awakening. It doesn't deserve it. It just needs it. If God chooses to use you to prepare the way for Awakening, do not be surprised if He requires you to give Him elbow room in your life. He may choose to connect you with someone very different from you. Until then, stop counting Awakenings, and start praying for the NEXT one.