Paul chose not to cultivate a spirit of resentment. He was intimately familiar with the pain of friendly fire. There were people posing as his friends and preachers of the Gospel who wished him ill.
"Some, to be sure, are preaching Christ even from envy and strife...out of selfish ambition rather from pure motives..."
Philippians 1:15-17a
Some of Paul's rivals took special pleasure in adding more weight to his chains. He exposed their motives as, "...thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment." (Philippians 1:17b). Paul's heart was not running wild with prison paranoia. The manure spread upon his reputation by his peers was real.
Paul resisted using it as fertilizer on a spirit of resentment in his life. He chose to inspect, rather than resent the fruit of these disgraceful preachers. He waited on God to reveal the genuine from the artificial. In time these posers were discovered to be fruit flies posing as fruit bearers.
Today, men name their sons after Paul, and they swat at fruit flies.
NOTE TO SELF: Where ever there is light, there will be bugs. Preach the light of The Gospel. There will be flies. Bear fruit anyway.