The Vigilant

Some Christians believe turning the other cheek means keeping a stiff upper lip while yielding ground to a bully. Wearing a "grin and bear it" grimace, these silent saints suffer under a self-imposed exile in their own nation.

They have not lost their voice in the public square from a hoarseness that is derived from a spirited debate. They have been silenced by a self-imposed gag order. There are many well-meaning voices offering misplaced mercy and ill-advised counsel to the church. They attempt to convince Christians that mobilizing their base to vote is a form of bullying. It is not. It is a valid resistance to the actions of a bully. When the church speaks with a clear voice from the Word of God, and mobilizes their people to vote, it is not expressing hate speech, or bullying. It is showing compassion.

NOTE TO SELF: Once you take your God-given rights lightly, you will give them up easily. Deluded expressions of benign piety, and a misguided spirit of self-resignation are poor substitutes for vigilant Christian citizenship.