The Shame

"None of God's children..comes into the world still-born; prayer is the very breath of the new creature: and therefore, if we are prayerless, we are Christless."
George Whitefield, 1714-1770

English evangelist, pastor, preacher, and leader of the First Great Awakening, Whitefield crossed the Atlantic 13 times to fan the flames of Spiritual Awakening in the American colonies. His tireless efforts forged a spiritual bond between these 13 separate entities that led to the idea of a United States of America.

NOTE TO SELF: The public shaming of Christians in America has become an acceptable expression of art in the entertainment industry. Screaming at the TV screen, or changing the channel will not change the heart of a shameless person. The Spiritual climate of a nation is changed one heart at a time. Let it begin in you. "If we are prayerless, we are Christless." Never be ashamed of being shamed by the shameless. Be ashamed of being prayerless.