The Update

HEALTH UPDATE: 105 days ago, Dana woke me up at midnight, with urgent news from my Nephrologist. He had called to order me go to the ER...IMMEDIATELY. My kidneys were failing.
When I arrived at the ER, the registering nurse was shocked to discover my kidneys were operating at a 12% capacity. She asked if I was on a transplant list. As the kids say, "It just got real."

These past days have included two trips to the ER, and two extended hospital stays. This involved fighting off sepsis in October, and facing surgery, a week before Christmas.

Yesterday, after weeks of recovery, I met with the same Nephrologist to review my progress. He said my kidneys were healing, and all my lab numbers were moving in the right direction. He doesn't want to see me for six months.

This past week, Dana and I carried out our first ministry assignment since October. I was a little weak in the knees, during the first session, but I gained strength the next day. All was well.
To be honest, I don't have much stamina, but I am progressing in the right direction. In time, it will come.

Thank you for praying for me through this experience. I would not wish it on anyone, but I would not trade it for anything. Once again, Dana and I have been reminded, Jesus is in the waiting. God answers prayer.

"Lord, teach us to pray." Luke 11:1

Gary and Dana Miller