The Iceberg

"While they were talking and discussing, Jesus Himself approached and began traveling with them."
Luke 24:15

NOTE TO SELF: "Jesus Himself" still approaches coldhearted followers. "Talking and discussing" about Jesus turns your heart into an iceberg of unbelief, freezing your eyes of faith, until you no longer see Him. Praying to Jesus embraces Him, as He approaches to melt your heart. The essence of prayer is not your eloquence, but the warmth of His Presence. Accept no substitute. When you are prayerless you can expect freezer burn. When you are prayerful, you can expect heartburn. Feel the burn.


The Stretch

"They went away and reported it to the others, but they did not believe them either."
Mark 16:13

Praying til Pentecost: Believe it or Not!

Many people leave Easter services without believing what they heard. They miss the power of the resurrection, because they choose not to believe in The Person of The Risen Christ.

NOTE TO SELF: Continuous revival flows from your consistent companionship with and your continued belief in The Risen Christ. The power of His resurrection is life-saving for you, when you choose to believe His blood was shed for you on the cross. Your belief in Him becomes life-changing when you choose to follow Him as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. The way you come on is the way you go on. Believe.

Unbelief is the unpardonable sin for those who refuse to trust in Jesus to forgive their sin. When unbelief raises its ugly head in your life, call it what it is. Sin.

God's maturing work in your life will stretch your faith. Praying in the name of Jesus leaves stretch marks on you. Wear them like a badge of honor.


More Praying Til Pentecost

The Examples

"Discipline your son while there is hope."
Proverbs 19:18

Parents are powerful role models. The wise ones know children are gifts from the Lord. His hand-prints are all over them, and a God-given destiny is within them.

The Father has imprinted a unique sense of direction upon each child. Wise parents sow their prayers into the hearts of their children, until their lives reveal the content of The Father's character.

NOTE TO SELF: Children observe the good, the bad and the ugly. It makes no difference. What your little ones see, they will do. What they hear, they will repeat. There is hope. They never outgrow hearing their parents pray for them. Your child may not be able to hear what you say to them, until they hear you pray for them.


The Running

"Beware of scribes, who...for appearance's sake offer long prayers." Jesus - Luke 20:46-47

The season for planning and preparing for the National Day of Prayer has arrived. Prayer meetings will be held all over our nation. Begin praying that these events will spend more time praying to God than talking to the wrong audience.

Jesus warned His disciples of pious posers who misused prayer to appear to be closer to God in public than they were in private.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't be one of them. When called upon to pray in public, don't presume to preach or pause to pose. PRAY!

Your assignment to pray in public is a divine appointment to have a personal conversation with Almighty God. Know your audience.

Don't put God on hold, by wasting one moment of your breath, talking to the wrong audience about yourself, your ministry, your church, or field testing your next comedy routine. Get with God.

When invited to pray at a public meeting, don't beat your own drum. Sound a trumpet. PRAY!
Prayer is the exclamation point of a prayer meeting. It is not an afterthought. Your prayer is not an appetizer or an after dinner mint. It is the main course. Treat it like meat and meet with God.

Prayer turns the spotlight away from you, and focuses it on God. Stealing His glory is very revealing. It tells people more about yourself than you want them to know. It reveals a rebel's heart.

Running on about yourself at the mic is a poor substitute for running to God.



The Priority

"They urged Him saying, 'Stay with us' He went in to stay with them."
Luke 24: 29

Praying Til Pentecost
On Easter Sunday many churches were filled to capacity by people gathering to honor The Risen Christ. That is always a good thing. The best thing would be if the Risen Christ was invited to reside and preside over the homes of the people who attended those services. Jesus still stays where He is welcomed.

NOTE TO SELF: Judges in the courthouse have determined prayer is not welcome at the schoolhouse, but they cannot stop you from praying at your house. By His resurrection Jesus established Sunday as The Lord's Day, so every day is Easter in His Kingdom. Make prayer a daily priority in your life. Jesus still does.


More Praying Til Pentecost

The Interruption


As evening drew near on the first Easter, Jesus approached two weary disciples on the Road to Emmaus. He interrupted their confused conversation about the things they had experienced. Jesus knew they were convinced of His death, but remained unconvinced of His resurrection. He inserted Himself and asked them, "What things?"
Luke 24:19

Their answer revealed their hearts were trapped in the past tense. Jesus wasn't looking for them to inform Him about past things. He desired to do one thing, to transform them with resurrection power in the present tense.

NOTE TO SELF: The power of the resurrection is still available to praying people who will insert Jesus into their lives, by answering His simple question. Be one of them. Prayer welcomes Jesus to interrupt your conversations about the things that just don't make sense. He can still make sense out of the senseless, and turn the impossible into the HIMpossible. This Easter...


The Murmers

“O God, heal her, I pray!”
Numbers 12:13

The four walls of this passage contain sixteen verses that hold the key to understanding the heart of God, When you intercede for those who have hurt you, you reveal His heart.

Meekness, not weakness, fuels your passion to pray for your enemies. Meekness leads you to get with God. Weakness tempts you to get even.

Meekness is the strength of soul to speak with God, before you speak out against those who have hurt you. The closer people are to you, the easier it is for them to attack you. Get close to God and He will make sense out of the pain.

In the case of Moses, his worst enemies were his brother and sister. Their behavior revealed sibling rivalry on steroids.

Miriam and Aaron were self-appointed leaders of murmuring people. Prayerless and prideful people think they know better than the leader God has anointed. They will use any excuse to slice the leader into pieces, to cut him down to size. They chose to attack the wife of Moses.

“Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married.” v. 1

Miriam and Aaron suffered from the “close but no cigar” leadership syndrome. They took pride in being close to Moses, but they weren't humble enough to get close to God. They shared the same family lineage as Moses, but they did not maintain the same level of intimacy Moses had with The Father.

Miriam and Aaron could lay claim to having great skills in oratory and prophetic insight. They lacked one thing. They could not discern the difference between being anointed to lead, and being appointed to lead.

Self-appointed, but not God-anointed, Miriam and Aaron felt called to lead the people of Israel. Moses had been anointed to lead. They had only been appointed. They were close and yet so far. They were “close but no cigar.”

Pastors and team leaders are often undermined by people closest to them. The spirit of Miriam and Aaron lives on today, in the form of friendly fire. It comes from those who are too full of themselves to be full of the wisdom of God.

Flying on a plane doesn't make a person a pilot. Sitting close to the cockpit, collecting frequent flyer miles, will never develop the skills needed to fly a plane.

When a passenger believes their view out of a side window gives them more clarity, and sense of direction than the view from the pilot’s seat, they are wrong. People with a clear view from the pew, can be wrong and dangerous. Never turn the controls over to people who cannot find their way to God.

Murmuring always begins with a question. It points to the LORD, but condemns the leader. The rebel tries to airbrush himself with moral purity, by seizing the seat closest to God. They always want to appear to be protecting God's reputation. They do so by building their own, at the expense of another's.

“Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us as well?” v. 2

These few words should strike fear in the heart of the unrepentant rebel and infuse hope in the heart to the meek who find themselves under their fire.

“And the LORD heard it.” v. 2b

When God hears murmuring, He hates it. When He hears it coming from the mouth of self-appointed leaders, He deals with it.

One of the fundamental truths of Scripture is the certainty of a fall coming to fools who trust in personal pride. The wise humble themselves before God.

“(Now Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.) Suddenly the LORD said to Moses and Aaron and to Miriam, ‘You three come out of the tent of meeting.’“
v. 4

Miriam and Aaron confused stewardship with ownership. They thought the role of an appointed servant to Moses elevated them to an anointed leadership role equal to his. They were wrong.

Having a personal perspective is not a divine directive. A good idea is not always God’s idea. It is one thing to be in authority, and another thing to be under authority. Learning the difference between stewardship and ownership is found on the path to humility.

What God saw in Moses, Miriam and Aaron could not see. They were too close to Moses and not close enough to God to discern Moses was faithful, and prayerful.

The significance of intimacy with God was lost on these two people. They were more concerned with getting the credit for what God did than spending time with the God who did it.

“He is faithful in all My household. With him I speak mouth to mouth, even openly, and not in dark sayings.” v. 8a

The lesson is clear. There ought to be a holy fear of God that restrains criticism and constant murmuring against leaders called by God. God still asks, “Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant.” v. 8b

NOTE TO SELF: Moses prayed the most for those who hurt him the most. He interceded for God’s best for them, and left it up to God to determine what He would do to them. Before you take vengeance into your own hands, take a knee. When murmurers stab you in the back, remember God has your back.


The Future

It is GOOD FRIDAY: Pray for the NEXT Great Awakening. The best is yet to come.

As early as the 1720's, isolated signs of a Great Awakening began to emerge in small village churches throughout New England. Never despise the day of small things.

The future Anglican evangelist, George Whitefield, was only a six year old boy in England. The 13 colonies were under the control of an all powerful government, imposing its will on the people of America.

Before The Awakening, Whitefield showed no signs of becoming a powerful preacher. The 13 colonies showed no signs of becoming a great nation. As the saying goes, "BUT GOD."

In 1733, The Presence of God's Spirit swept into and saturated the village of Northampton, MA. Now known as The First Great Awakening, it had been prepared for in prayer, and it was subsequently nurtured under the preaching, of Puritan Pastor Jonathan Edwards.

The Awakening would be fueled by the tireless efforts of itinerant Anglican Evangelist George Whitefield. He was not saved until he was 21 years old, and he did not arrive in America until 1739. Until his death in 1770, Whitefield crossed the Atlantic 13 times by ship. He road on horseback, from Georgia to New England, fanning the flames of Spiritual Awakening.

Local Puritan Pastor Jonathan Edwards and itinerant Anglican Evangelist George Whitefield, different in so many ways, became dear friends and great partners in this powerful movement of God's Spirit. Their synergistic efforts energized pastors of churches throughout the colonies. Lifting up the name of Jesus higher than their own preferred denomination, they saw a great harvest. The remnants of the fruit still remain.

NOTE TO SELF: Your nation is in desperate need of the NEXT Great Awakening. It doesn't deserve it. It just needs it. If God chooses to use you to prepare the way for Awakening, do not be surprised if He requires you to give Him elbow room in your life. He may choose to connect you with someone very different from you. Until then, stop counting Awakenings, and start praying for the NEXT one.


The Shield

"Pray that you may not enter into temptation."
Luke 22:40

When Martin Luther addressed the issue of temptation, he observed, "I cannot stop the birds from flying over my head, but I can stop them from building a nest in my hair." He spoke like a man of experience.

Temptation is inevitable. Yielding to it is not. Jesus warned His disciples of the dangers of facing temptation without prayer. He still does.

The prayerless are prone to yield to temptation. The prayerful raise their shield against it. Choose wisely.

With Hjs betrayal, and crucifixion drawing near, Jesus spoke some of His final words to His disciples, on the power of prayer. He knew they had no hope of ever breaking the power of temptation without preparing to face it in prayer.

Whenever Jesus prayed, He sought to conform His mind, His will and His emotions to the will of His Father. What was revealed in The Garden had been His way of life. Make it yours.

Praying reveals a willingness to hear from God. Raising up a shield against temptation is a result of yielding to The Father's direction, protection and correction. Anything less is the mark of a rebellious child, or a defenseless warrior.

Talking about temptation attempts to convince yourself and others to agree with a defenseless position. Praying leads to agreeing with God, and yielding to His sense of direction. Again, choose wisely.

Temptation is not sin, but it leads to it. Prayerless people follow a well worn path to sin. Prayerful people are trail-blazers to a new way of life.

Jesus still holds power over sin. He forgives it. Following Him leads to prayer, and away from sin. Taking His advice to pray in order to avoid sin has never been an option for His followers.
Treating prayer like it is chrome on a car, rather than the Law of Gravity, leads to a head on collision with sin. This only happens...every time.

Why? Because prayerlessness is simply an expression of pridefulness. Proverbs, The Wisdom Literature of The Bible, warns repeatedly that pride comes before a fall. Jesus knew this. He was well versed in it. His call to prayer is a call to humility. It is an ancient call, not a new one.

People full of themselves are full of pride and void of prayer. Their crash patterns in life are predictable, but they are not inevitable. Jesus said His followers should pray, could pray, and would pray, if they wanted to avoid falling into temptation. Those who do, won't. Those who don't, do.

NOTE TO SELF: Never be tempted to believe prayer is a non-essential part of your walk with Jesus. What one word best describes your prayer life? Active or Inactive? The choice is yours. Prepare to pray, or prepare to fall. Shields up!


The Words

"But if you bite and consume one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another." Galatians 5:15

Words mean things. Too often, they are just plain mean.

Apology: a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure. Apologize: to make excuse for or regretful acknowledgment of a fault or remark.

Daily comments ebb and flow from the left and the right on a huge laundry list of issues. The offense of the day is seized upon and paraded relentlessly through the news cycle.

The next day's news begins with demands for an apology from the offender. Statements crafted in legalese and grudgingly released are rarely accepted by the offended.

Politically correct words strangled from the throat of the offender typically gag the offended. Word-smithed language camouflages genuine contempt, and attempts to deceive the offended into receiving it. This rarely ends well.

NOTE TO SELF: Before you take a bite out of an offender, try saying a blessing over them. Your appetite will change. God is not mocked. You can't erase what you meant to say with, "Bless their hearts!" God knows what you meant the first time. Word to the wise, PRAY IT before you say it.