“We have sinned, because we have spoken against the LORD and you; intercede with the LORD, that He my remove the serpents from us. And Moses interceded for the people.” Numbers 21:7
2015 is the year the drought in Texas officially ended. In the DFW area we have had more rain in five months than we had all of last year. In the middle of the most recent drought, Gov. Rick Perry called for people to pray for rain. The son of a Texas dry land farmer, he knew from experience, God answers prayer. The outcry to his request was equal parts ridicule from the press, and petition from God’s people Now, Texans are complaining of the flooding. I guess we can stop praying for rain. Thank you Governor for calling for prayer. Thank you God for the rain!
In Numbers, the people were chronic complainers. The stinking thinking that stewed in their minds spewed out of their foul mouths. They cursed God and Moses for bringing them into The Wilderness, and accused them of attempted genocide.
There is no logic to their argument. Like petulant children they chafed under the hand of authority. If Moses had wanted to see them dead, he would have just stopped praying of them. If God had wanted His people to be annihilated, all He had to do was leave them in Egypt. Complaining about God and His leaders reveals a rebel’s heart.
The Journey from slavery to the Land of Promise was wearisome. It was made more difficult by the worrisome whining of ungrateful people whose memories were as short as their tempers. Refusing to remember God’s deliverance they chose to rebel against His sovereignty. Many times God had delivered the people. Often Moses had interceded for them. Still, they grew impatient with the pace, and the apparent lack of progress in The Journey. This only happens…EVERY TIME.
“The people became impatient because of the journey. The people spoke against God and Moses, ‘Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food or water and we loathe this miserable food.’ “ V.5
This time God moved in response to the complaints of the people by sending to them a visible image of their sin. The poison serpents He sent into the camp were His personal assessment of all their constant complaining. They were guilty of injecting poisonous venom into the body politic. By doing so, they were attempting to dethrone God by undermining His leader.
The people knew they were in trouble, so once again they ran to Moses and cried out for him to intercede for them. The admitting of sin is not the same as repentance of sin. A crook may admit he got caught, but his confession does not mean he intends to turn his life in a new direction. He merely bides his time until he has an opportunity to steal again. The same can be said of any sinner. Repentance is not revealed, by a sad face. Repentance is an about face.
God intended the people to face their sin, and then make an about face from it. Victims of the snakes were told to look to the bronze snake Moses held up in front of them, and they would not die.
This deliverance from the poisonous snakes was an answer to prayer, but it was most certainly not what the poisonous people had in mind. God is not only interested in giving His people direction and protection. He intends to bring correction. The Journey is marked by many “U-Turn” signs. Don’t ignore them.
“It came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.” V. 9
NOTE TO SELF: Leaders are often ridiculed, and mocked for not meeting the expectations of the people. They are in good company. Complaining people resist and resent God’s direction, protection, and correction. The leader just happens to be in the line of fire because they are standing next to The Champion. Sin has consequences that require not only an admission of personal responsibility, but also an acceptance of personal accountability. Looking to the bronze serpent revealed a willingness on the part of the people to own their sin. Excusing and justifying sin is not an expression of genuine repentance. They reveal continued rebellion. Praying for deliverance without any intention of turning in a new direction makes a mockery of prayer, and repentance. Turnaround!