“Stand beside your burn offering, and I will go; perhaps the LORD will come to meet me, and whatever He shows me I will tell you.” Numbers 23: 3
In the pantheon of Old Testament prophets, Balaam is remembered more for his talking donkey than for his prayer life with God. He was hired by Balak to put a curse on the people of Israel. As mercenary as Balaam’s motives may have been, God condescended to meet with him. This is a gentle biblical reminder to all those who want to make prayer so sacred that no one is qualified to do it.
“Now God met Balaam…” V. 4
When Balaam met with God, he received a word of blessing for the people Balak wanted him to curse. Any preacher can tell you that telling a congregation what they don’t want to hear rarely improves the love offering or secures a pay raise. Balaam may have been a postman for hire, but he delivered the mail. This was no talking donkey. He was a man speaking for God.
“Then the Lord put a word in Balaam’s mouth…” V. 5
Balak protested the blessing Balaam spoke over the people of God. The prophet gave the only defense a preacher can have. Over the past 40 years, the truth of this passage of Scripture has served me well. Preachers in the contemporary church would be wise to rediscover the power and the protection that is contained in it.
“Must I not be careful to speak what the LORD puts in my mouth?” V. 12
Balaam may have been a prophet for hire, but when it came right down to the chain of command, he knew he worked for God. Preachers who believe they are the lowest link on the food chain would be wise to remember the same thing.
Balaam called on Balak to build seven altars and make a tremendous sacrifice. Balak put skin in the game, but Balaam put his life on the line. He turned his back on Balak and turned his face towards God.
Turning towards God, as the source for the solution is the fundamental key to finding His will through answered prayer.
Talking about the problem with people often postpones the answer. There must come a point in time when getting with Sovereign God takes priority over belaboring a discussion with helpless people.
People pleasing platitudes are a poor substitute for prophetic preaching. Balaam proved to be an honest broker by turning his back on financial reward and praying his way into The Presence of God. Praying preachers are the greatest need in the world today. With them there is hope for a Great Awakening. Without them the church will never be mobilized to pray for it.
“Stand by your burnt offering while I myself meet the LORD over there.” V. 15
It wasn’t until Balaam met with God that he received a word from God. Preachers who speak for God, without spending time with God are some of the most dangerous people in the world.
They develop the unwise habit of turning every a good idea they have into God’s idea. Speaking for God without spending time with God may produce an eloquent message, but it will never provide God’s sense of direction.
“Then the LORD met Balaam and put a word in his mouth…” V. 16
Once again, Balak protested when Balaam reported after His encounter with God, “Behold, I have received a command to bless. When He has blessed then I cannot revoke it…The LORD his God is with him…Behold a people rises like a lioness.” V. 20-24
While living in East Africa I was surprised to learn that the lioness does a great deal of the hunting, and most of her hunting is done at night. Driving my Land Rover through a game reserve, it was not unusual for me to see lionesses sleeping after a long night of prowling and devouring fresh prey. Sleeping lionesses are no real danger. Rising lionesses are prepared to hunt.
Balaam’s words warned Balak he was facing people who were rising up under the blessing of God. What an awesome word-picture.
A prayerful perspective is essential to assess the balance of power in world increasing hostile to the people of God. Balaam was praying to God. Balak was preying on the people of God. God saw Balak as the prey of His people. The contemporary church would do well to stop acting like a victim hiding in the tall grass, and simple rise up and do what they were born to do.
Prophetic preachers should be the clearest role models of immediate obedience, and the greatest enemies of political correctness the world has ever seen. Balaam cut himself off from his meal ticket to tell Balak the truth. It was the wisest move he ever made. Wise men still tell the truth. Fools don’t.
“Did I not tell you, ‘Whatever the LORD speaks, that I must do’?” v. 26
NOTE TO SELF: You are not a hireling. You were called to preach the truth, not to do the bidding of those who think they pay your salary. When you rise up from the tall grass, you will come into conflict with those in the church and outside of the church who do not want to hear a clear message from The Word of God. Preach it any way. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!