The Childlike

Jesus placed a high priority on a childlike faith as the standard for becoming a citizen in the Kingdom. Are you childish or childlike?

Childish people tend to panic when their expectations are not met. It is not that far a trip from the child throwing a tantrum in the aisle of the grocery store to the childish adult rioting in the streets. The only difference is in their age, but they share the spirit of rebellion.

Prayer is not only the breath of life for every believer, it is the climate in which God works in this world through His church. His prayerless children often become breathless with panic. Don't be one of them.

NOTE TO SELF: If you become breathless with prayer, you will never lose your child-like wonder over the grace of God, in the face of adversity. Remember you have an adversary, and an Advocate. Run from the former and race to the latter.