The Miracles

The recent election has introduced the use of the word miracle into the current political narrative. The media is not embracing it as a miracle of God. Neither are some evangelicals.

Those who lack sound judgment breathe their own ether. Drunk with the toxic cocktail of their personal desires and perceived destiny, they perfect the dubious art of giving God the glory, while taking credit for what He alone can do.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't rush in to take credit for answered prayer. Break this down.
Q: You prayed and God answered. Who did the heavy lifting?
A: God.

Never forget you are a joint heir of the promises of God, but you are not an equal partner in what He does. Show some humility.

Racing right past God to put your name on a movement of God devalues His movement until it becomes a man-made monument.

Praising God sustains a movement of God. Taking credit for it invites God to take His hand off of it. This only happens…every time.