Pray for someONE.
When you pray, do you find that you get easily distracted? Have your prayers become stagnant? Are you frustrated that you haven’t made any headway with leading YOUR ONE to Christ?
In Luke 11, Jesus was approached by an anonymous, soul-starved disciple, desiring to learn how to pray. Jesus responded by pointing them to the Presence of His Father: “…When you pray, say, ‘Father…’” (Luke 11:2).
Throughout His time on earth, Jesus led His disciples to enroll in a life-long learning process, the School of Prayer. School is always in session, everything is a test, and students are free to learn at their own pace, but they must learn the most important lesson of their lives, “…not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).
Over the next 40 Days, our very own Dr. Gary Miller of Talk Less Pray More ministries will prepare a daily devotional that will be sent directly to your phone each day. Want to go even deeper? We will have complimentary copies of his new book available in the lobby on Sunday.
To receive daily text message reminders, simply text Southlake to 97000. You can also find more interaction on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Don’t be afraid to spread the word!
Prayer is the intimate communication between the Heavenly Father, and His child.”
-Don Miller
Who's Your One (you are praying for)?